Verifiable Credentials at OpenSource Science

A couple of weeks ago, the board of OpenSource Science decided to implement OpenBadges in the credential system of the institute. While fulfilling courses and upload source code to their GitHub repositories, our students will be awarded openbadges which automatically will be integrated in to Wallet79. Let us first explain the technologies, and then discuss what OpenBadges bring to the students of OS-SCi. 

What are OpenBadges?
OpenBadges is an open standard for digital badges that allows individuals to showcase their skills, knowledge, and achievements online. It's a way to recognize and verify learning experiences, such as courses taken, projects completed, or certifications earned. Digital badges can be issued by anyone, from educational institutions to employers, and are stored in a user's OpenBadge account. We are not the only institute which uses OpenBadges, some other institutes are: 
-University of Maryland - uses OpenBadges for its online courses and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).
-Arizona State University - has implemented OpenBadges as part of its digital credentialing system.
-Georgia Institute of Technology - offers OpenBadge-verified certifications in fields like computer science, engineering, and business.

You can store OpenBadges on your own harddrive, usb stick or phone, but why not on a blockchain like Wallet79. So what are the advantages of using a blockchain like Wallet79 for this?

Advantages of implementing OpenBadges in blockchain:
- Immutable records
: Blockchain technology ensures that badge issuance and verification are tamper-proof and transparent.

-Decentralized control: A decentralized system allows for greater autonomy and ownership over digital badges, reducing the risk of centralized authorities controlling access to information.
-Increased security: The use of blockchain-based OpenBadges can provide an additional layer of security against badge counterfeiting or tampering.

By combining the benefits of open standards (OpenBadges) with decentralized technology (blockchain), individuals and organizations can create a more transparent, secure, and verifiable way to recognize and verify learning experiences.

Wallet 79 is an innovative digital wallet that utilizes blockchain technology to store, manage, and showcase OpenBadges. It's designed specifically for education and employment purposes.

Here are some key features of Wallet 79:
-OpenBadge storage: Wallet 79 allows users to securely store their OpenBadges in a single location.
-Decentralized control: Users have full ownership and control over their digital badges, ensuring that they can manage them independently.
-Verification and validation: The wallet uses blockchain technology to verify the authenticity of each badge, providing an immutable record of achievements.
-Portfolio building: Wallet 79 enables users to curate a portfolio of their OpenBadges, showcasing their skills and accomplishments in a visually appealing way.

-Sharing and collaboration: Users can share their badges with others, facilitating collaboration and networking opportunities.

By using Wallet 79, individuals can:
-Showcase their achievements and skills to potential employers or educational institutions. -Demonstrate their expertise and interests to peers and professionals.
-Build a digital portfolio that highlights their accomplishments and progress over time.
Wallet 79 is an exciting development in the world of OpenBadges, as it provides a secure, decentralized platform for users to manage and showcase their digital badges

Whats the main advantage for our students?
When students finish their study at OpenSource Science, they have a filled GitHub repository, an Institute Certificate and Verifiable open badges stored in the Wallet79 blockchain. While other institutes only offer a certificate, we offer verifiable credentials both as open badges and as a Github repository. Next to that GitHub can help students finding a job, also OpenBadges will improve the job finding possibilities by:
-Providing a standardized way to showcase skills and achievements online.
-Allowing individuals to demonstrate their expertise and interests to potential employers.
-Facilitating the recognition of non-traditional learning experiences, such as online courses or projects.
As you see that, there are not many institutes, which pay so much attention to the value of the credentials of their students. So come over and start your Open Source career at OpenSource Science B.V.

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